You have hundreds of thousands of dollars or more invested in your equipment fleet, and you need to know where your machinery is and what it is doing. If a piece of critical equipment doesn’t show up, or if it isn’t returned on the appointed date, your business is severely affected. Getting equipment to a site more responsively can help win jobs and save money.
However, how do you keep track of operating hours, how frequently are the corresponding readings transmitted to the fleet manager and what happens to these data afterwards? Can you really say that you know the work process of your machine so well that you are able to reproduce, if necessary, any time point or time period from its operating history? This could be important since, knowing the details, you will be able to understand historical operating situations correctly and to resolve disputes effectively.
Designed to monitor and protect your heavy equipment, GPS heavy equipment tracking device provides a cost-effective, reliable asset tracking solution for every business. Protect your valuable assets with GPS asset tracking and improve the visibility of your mobile inventory with live monitoring, cellular coverage, and GPS data. Monitor More, Pay Less.

Key Features
Every business that uses heavy equipment knows the risks of leaving their assets in the field, where they can be subject to theft and unauthorized use. With GPS asset and heavy equipment monitoring, you get the reassurance of knowing exactly where your assets are at all times. The system always keeps track, serves you without fail 24/7 and never forgets anything or anybody.
Fuel Monitoring
Fuel management system is based on data available from onboard computer or after-market fuel level sensors, installed in the fuel tank of a truck. Data transferred to tracking system allows to detect fuel thefts or unreasonably large fuel burn, thus helping to find ways to save 15% or more on fuel costs and increase fleet efficiency by 30% or more.
Increasing the profit margin, it is no news to anybody that competition is stiff in every area of business, making it difficult to earn a profit. In a situation where revenue can grow only so slowly, one should look for more effective ways to keep the expenses in check.
In the case of heavy equipment, the largest expense items are fuel costs and depreciation due to wear and tear from operation. GPS tracking effectively keeps an eye on every liters of fuel consumed and every minute spent working.
Driver Management
Driver Identification: Utrack solutions enables the user to choose between various number of driver identification methods. (Dallas, RFID Cards, Numeric Keypard etc.) The driver identification enables to eliminate unauthorised car use by connecting one of the above methods to the immobilizer.
Moreover, the driver identification feature can be used to manage the drivers profile. Managers can mobilize and immobilize the vehicle remotely using Utrack Software or via direct SMS command.
Driver Behavior: Utrack driver behavior summary provides information on drivers performances over the course of the desired time period. The driver behavior summary uses Galooli’s algorithm to calculate the grade for each driver.
The chart reflects both the tp 5 drivers and the worst 5 worst drivers and vehicles. Thus fleet managers can take action with the information provided to enhance their business productivity and safety of the vehicles.
Vehicle report with Charts
Make fleet management simple and professional with your our high-end Utrack vehicle tracking report feature. You don’t have to take the hassle of handling those statistics-scribbled documents. Manage your business with ease and make quick decisions at the time of need.
It comes with a pie chart representation showing the time when a vehicle was stopped, moved and idled.
Geo-fence/Zon Management
The GPS tracking geofencing feature allows business managers and dispatchers to create location-based areas known as “fences” that can identify when an asset is inside or outside certain geographic boundaries. Our vehicle tracking systems then keep a record of this information for later review. Set area limitation for trackers to trigger Geo-fence alarm once enter or leave preset area.
Maintenance Reminders
Regular maintenance is key to the long service life of any construction vehicle. Naturally, the maintenance schedule can be created and stored in Excel and many heavy equipment owners indeed do so. However, everyone knows that manual data entry always runs the risk of errors, not to speak of the time-consuming and dull nature of this activity, and missed maintenance may be the consequence.
In this regard, the UTRACK tracking system functions like an alarm clock, set to alert the persons in charge of an upcoming maintenance obligation. The system always keeps track, serves you without fail 24/7 and never forgets anything or anybody. However, even instances such as a vehicle registration can be something you need to be reminded on in order to maintain a vehicle’s ability to legally operate on the road. These events are important to daily operations of any sized fleet, and cannot be ignored by any means.
Engine Hours
Our Heavy Equipment Tracking Solution monitors the operating status of the machine, always knows the current operating hour count and, what’s even more important, can tell you whether the engine is idling or runs with a heavy load. With such information, you are able to settle arguments and prevent problems before they occur. At the same time, accurate up-to-date reports are at your disposal any time, just when you need them most. GPS tracking simplifies the management of your equipment, makes it an orderly affair and saves you time.
Wide Range of Reports
With Utrack easy to use vehicle tracking reports, you can effortlessly manage all the important statistics and analytics all at once.
Remote Engine Cutt-off
Machines can be remotely immobilized by sending a command to the tracker. When the tracker receives a command to immobilize, an open collector output of the device is enabled which will activate a relay which will, in turn, open the power going to the starter motor. Without the power reaching the starter motor, you won’t be able to start the vehicle. This feature asset to a stolen machines for recovering.

How Fleet Management Can Help Grow Your Business
Instill employee accountability and increase productivity with heavy equipment tracking software, which logs driver inefficiencies that will cost you money if left unchecked, such as;
Unauthorized travel: When you start monitoring your heavy equipment usage, your drivers would have second thoughts about cheating on their time cards or wasting company time/resources. Plus, if you know exactly which pieces of yellow iron are on jobsites vs. in the yard, you can create a new revenue stream by renting out equipment that’s gathering dust.
Customer Satisfaction
Provide real-time engine hours reports to customers. With the data that fleet management systems collect in real time, you can provide customers with proof of service when customers question an invoice, saving you money (and a headache)!
Timely Alerts
With GPS monitoring software, a piece of equipment that’s moving with the engine turned off could indicate that the equipment is being towed. With real-time gps trackers that update every 3 seconds and installation that prevents tampering, a heavy equipment tracking system is your best bet against theft. After all, one hijacked piece of heavy equipment can quickly set you back thousands in goods and capital equipment.
Final word
Risk management is crucial for any business much more so for small businesses managing both a fleet of vehicles and heavy equipment. If the initial cost of investing in a monitoring system is giving you pause, think about the ROI you’ll get in the long term. If you need help figuring out if equipment tracking software is right for your business, call us today for a demo and quote request.
This is a leading end-to-end solution/application for remote assets performance monitoring. ZON MAX enables significant operational cost reduction, improved customer service, and safety operations.
WebZON™ is designed to provide user access from every web browser and is accessible from all devices- PC, Mac, Tablets and more. Our Web-based application is created to provide out clients with an ease of use and flexibility.
OTOTO/iOTOTO is an intuitive application for smartphones, enabling end users to easily track and monitor their fleet or vehicle as well as get real-time alerts on the go.

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