Where are they? Is always a question in everyone’s mind, with the other inaccurate solutions that track personnel you can only get an idea of where they are but with our PT-2 Advanced, you can be able to track them, locate them, and take educated actions. Excellent for private investigation, Field Workers, law enforcement on foot/bike/horse, emergency service workers, ladies purse, vehicle, package, bikers, dementia patients, spouse or just about anyone or anything. The PT-2 Advanced unit can be installed on the same account to meet multiple needs to the user. Wear it, hide it, put it in the glove box, put it in a briefcase, hide it under a car and many other locations with one purpose; track and locate.

Key Features
☑ Optional extended rechargeable battery for use with weatherproof case lasts up to 75 hours
☑ Zone or geo-fence violation alerts with email or SMS notifications
☑ Speed alerts
☑ Hybrid maps provide satellite and Digital view for optimum pinpoint.
☑ Updates position every 10 seconds over 20 mph and every 20 feet < than 20kph
☑ Optional update rates as fast as 1 and 5 seconds!
☑ Send back location with Longitude/latitude data.
☑ Tracking (by time interval, distance interval or smart mode)
☑ Single Position request by SMS command, for friendly use (new)
☑ Journey logging up to 100,000+ locations.
☑ Emergency alarm.
☑ Emergency Call
☑ Built-in 3D G sensor for power management.
☑ Moving alert voice communication.
☑ Set report alarm.
☑ GSM/GPRS simultaneously Firmware upgrading remotely.
☑ Unit password setting
☑ Phone Book
☑ Receiving/ Sending Message
☑ Quad-Bands GSM with (850/900/1800/1900Mhz).
☑ GPRS class 10, TCP/UDP protocol.
☑ GPS 20 channels receiving.
☑ Cold/Warm/Hot start time: 42/38/1 sec.
☑ Superior sensitivity:-159dBm tracking.
☑ Built-in 4MB Flash Memory for the data logger.
☑ Built-in speaker and microphone.
☑ 128 x 64 LCD display (with back-light function).
☑ Mini USB port for charging and data exchanging
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Control & Monitoring Center

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